Let’s Chat… Living with Diabetes and Physical Activity!
Physical activity is an important part of managing Type 2 diabetes. But, before starting with a physical exercise regimen, patients using insulin or other medication that can cause hypoglycaemia should check with their doctor about the effects of vigorous exercise on their blood glucose levels.¹
So, what are the benefits of being physically active?
Weight loss or maintenance of a healthy weight.
Decreases stress and anxiety.
Decreases insulin resistance.
Improves blood glucose control.
Improved blood pressure.
Improves mood and wellbeing.¹
But, just how much exercise should you be doing every day?
Start gently by doing activities like brisk walking, have a walking meeting outside of a boardroom, or take the stairs for 10 minutes a day.
People with Type 2 diabetes should try to increase their daily exercise time until they reach about 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity together with resistance training 3x per week.¹
Being more physically active needn’t involve expensive gym memberships, jogging at five in the morning or noisy aerobic sessions with sweating people you don’t know. With the smallest adjustment to your lifestyle, you can fit exercise into your daily life without breaking the budget. Just follow these tips to help make your life more active.
Enjoy yourself - Try an activity that you can enjoy with friends or family.
Go slow - Give your body time to adapt as your muscles strengthen.
One small change at a time - Walking is a great, simple and cost-effective way to improve your fitness. Just 10 minutes a day of brisk walking can make a difference to your health.
Set goals - Set realistic short-term and long-term targets. It’s much easier to stick to a new exercise regimen if you have a goal in mind.
Mix it up a bit - Vary your routine so you don’t get bored. Once you are fitter and exercising regularly, try swapping cycling on an exercise bike for cycling outdoors or try a new class at the gym.
Persevere - Although you may not see or feel results overnight, your body will benefit as soon as you became active.
Find more tips and information on diabetes and physical activity download our brochure here.
1. The Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa Type 2 Diabetes Guidelines Expert Committee. The SEMDSA 2017 Guidelines for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. JEMDSA. 2017;22(1)(Supplement 1): S1–S192.